Wednesday, September 22, 2010

As Summer Draws to a Close - by Mark Schulze

It's been a great summer during which as you may have noticed, no blog posts were forthcoming from me because I have been either out on the waves, on my mountain bike, or on the soccer field. Sprinkle in a few video production gigs, and there went the Summer of 2010.

A very illuminating gig occured on the two days my partner, Patty Mooney, and I shot IMAG for the NABJ (National Association of Black Journalists). For those of you unfamiliar with the term, IMAG involves videotaping speakers or entertainers at a convention or auditorium so that the images are projected on large screens for the audience. A special guest of honor was Dr. Oz, who spoke about the ravages of obesity. One of the things he imparted was that your belt size should be at least half of your height, or your risks of developing the disease are far greater.

Patty and I spent our lunch our walking to Seaport Village where we met a former Marine named Joel who rescues parrots. He had about 15 of them on perches where people could come and get acquainted with them. It was very tempting to take one home, but we had to hurry back to the hotel to finish out the day for NABJ, and it would have been tough explaining about the little yellow guy on my shoulder.

Patty intends to write a blog about Joel and his rescued parrots at Soldiers Heart within a few days, so I encourage you to go there to learn more about his work.

Photographs by still photographer and video camera operator, Patty Mooney

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